Elsabritta name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Hebrew, Old English and Celtic
Usage: Swedish
Meaning: My God is Abundance, My God has Sworn, God is Fullness, The Exalted One and Sublime
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What does Elsabritta mean?

Elsabritta is form of Elsebritt. Also Elsebritt is spelling variation of ELS;BRITT.

Variants of Elsabritta

Elsebritt, Elsabritt

How popular is the name Elsabritta?

Elsabritta is an uncommon name around the world.


Here's what numbers has to say about Elsabritta

The capstone of your name reveals your true personality, your skills, and unique abilities. You keep your promises and people trust you for that. You are always open to new adventures. You have people who love you. Achieving inner peace and harmony in life is what's most important to you. You are a risk taker because you know that in order to get something, you need to give something in return.

Looking for a name like Elsabritta? Please go through the following names

  •  Adelborg - Used notably in Swedish, Adelborg is used for girls. Adelborg is Swedish form of Adalburg
  •  Recha - Meaning of Recha is Soft or Delicate is used as a girl name is dominantly used in Swedish
  •  Dyggve is Swedish equivalent of Dyggvi
  •  Hälver mostly is used in Swedish is given to baby boys. Hälver is form of Herleif in Swedish language
  •  Kjellmund is equivalent of Kætilmund in Swedish language

Famous people named Elsabritta

We could not find any notable namesake.

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