Fátima name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Arabic
Usage: Spanish
Meaning: The Abstaining and The Weaning
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What does Fátima mean?

Meaning of Fátima is The Abstaining or The Weaning is originated from Arabic used substantially in Spanish is a baby girl name.

How popular is the name Fátima?

Fátima is a rare name around the globe.


Fátima in Nordic countries

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Famous people named Fátima

  • Fátima Madrid, coach and a former freestyle swimmer from Spain
  • Fátima Leyva, Mexican retired footballer
  • Fátima Guedes, Brazilian singer and composer
  • Fátima Lopes, Portuguese fashion designer
  • Fátima Miranda, Spanish singer and researcher
  • Fátima Choi, Commissioner of Audit in Macau
  • Fátima Veiga, Cape Verdean politician and diplomat

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