Godwinus name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old English
Usage: Swedish and Old Swedish
Meaning: Friend of God
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What does Godwinus mean?

Godwinus is form of Goðvini in Swedish and Latin languages.

Variants of Godwinus

Goðvini, Godwine, Godvin, Godwin, Gudvin

How popular is the name Godwinus?

Godwinus is an extremely rare name around the world.


Numerological analysis of Godwinus

You have a competitive spirit and challenge yourself on a daily basis. Your methods of handling relationships are proven. Once someone becomes a part of your past, there's no way of coming back. Your only mistake is that you are trying to prove others you can do it, instead of proving yourself. You want to inspire others to do the same. You are a dreamer but not like the ones you know who don't do anything but daydream.

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Famous people named Godwinus

We could not find any notable namesake.

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