Hafthor name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse and Welsh
Usage: Swedish, Old SwedishNorwegian and Danish
Meaning: Summer
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What does Hafthor mean?

Hafthor is Swedish equivalent of Hafþórr.

Variants of Hafthor

Haftor, Hafþórr

How popular is the name Hafthor?

Hafthor is an uncommon name around the world.


Here's what numbers has to say about Hafthor

You remind people that life is for you to live it, and not survive, something many do these days. You encourage people to walk the harder path and fight for what they believe is right. You are a perfectionist when it comes to relationships too. Working hard often drains your energy but you always find time to recharge your batteries without anyone noticing you are gone. You are hard-working by nature and success drives you.

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Famous people named Hafthor

We could not find any notable namesake.

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