Haribhabhru name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Haribhabhru
Meaning: Vishnu the Great
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What does Haribhabhru mean?

Haribhabhru means Vishnu the Great is particulary used in Hindi is aimed at boys.

How popular is the name Haribhabhru?

Haribhabhru is an extremely rare name around the globe.


What numbers say about Haribhabhru?

If you had to choose which animal you want to trade your human body with, you would choose a bird? You are the mover and shaker of the world. Your biggest flaw is your self-doubt. Sometimes, you are self-doubtful. Other times, your self-confidence is high. You are not much into hanging around and wasting time with people. You sometimes feel you are trapped in a cage that is also created by yourself.

Go through the following names similar to Haribhabhru

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  •  Chandranee - Girl name Chandranee means "Moon's Wife" is used commonly in Hindi
  •  Geyata - Meaning of Geyata is Melody used for girls is used largely in Hindi

Famous people named Haribhabhru

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