Holgher name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse, Middle, English and Norwegian
Usage: Swedish and Old Swedish
Meaning: Island, Islanders, Spear and Stone Wall
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What does Holgher mean?

Holgher is Swedish cognate of Holmgæirr.

How popular is the name Holgher?

Holgher is an uncommon name around the world.


Numerological aspects of Holgher

Learning new skills will make you feel so much better and boost your confidence more than you imagine. You are a jealous and passionate lover. If number 11 is your soul urge no, it reveals your deepest desires. You secretly wish to inspire people with your life. You take good care of your body and overall health. Allow your competitive spirit and intuition to guide you. You hate monotony and everything that has to be done in routine.

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Famous people named Holgher

We could not find any notable namesake.

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