Iksuvari name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Iksuvari
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What does Iksuvari mean?

Meaning of Iksuvari is not available this time. Please visit after sometime.

How popular is the name Iksuvari?

Iksuvari is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numerology tells about Iksuvari?

Having letter I as your capstone in your name reveals the lack of balance and harmony in your life. It's time you set up a positive mind-set, open up to new adventures and explore the world. You are there to give a hand or honest advice when necessary but refuse to ask for help, even when you need it badly. You get easily depressed from time to time because of how people live and the ugly things they're capable of.

Other names similar to Iksuvari

  •  Uphar means Gift aimed at girls is principally used in Hindi
  •  Mashu - Used commonly in Hindi, Mashu bestowed upon boys, Mashu means "Sandeep"
  •  Konva - Used predominantly in Hindi, Konva means "Corner" is a baby girl name
  •  Mangayarkarasi - Mangayarkarasi's meaning is Goddess Parvati is used in Hindi is used as a baby girl name
  •  Jivitva - Used chiefly in Hindi, Jivitva means "Life or Pran" is a girl name

Famous people named Iksuvari

We could not find any notable namesake.

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