Jaajarusi name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Usage: Greenlandic
Meaning: Enlighten
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What does Jaajarusi mean?

Jaajarusi is Greenlandic form of Jâjaruse.

Variants of Jaajarusi

Jâjaruse, Jairus, Jaerus, Jair

How popular is the name Jaajarusi?

Jaajarusi is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numbers say about Jaajarusi?

You hate being closely observed and have all eyes on you because of your low self-esteem. You can turn from angel to devil in no time. You are the most self-motivated person you know. You encourage people to walk the harder path and fight for what they believe is right. You have high ideals. You are always open to experience something new. Travelling is your passion. Keep distance and focus on your own aspirations.

Looking for a name like Jaajarusi? Please go through the following names

  •  Qiinnianngaaq - The unisex name Qiinnianngaaq is used in Greenlandic. Qiinnianngaaq is equivalent of Kiniángaĸ in Greenlandic language
  •  Qivi is Greenlandic form of Kive
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  •  Âperât - Durable and Commonly Accepted Âperât is used principally in Greenlandic is given to boys. Âperât is equivalent of Abraham in Greenlandic language

Famous people named Jaajarusi

We could not find any notable namesake.

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