Jacob name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Usage: English, Dutch, Scandinavian, German, Faroese, Greenlandic, Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian
Pronunciation: j(a)-cob
Meaning: Supplanter, Held by the Heel, One who Supplants, Yahweh May Protect, Holder of the Heel and To Supplant
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Jacob meaning and origin

What does Jacob mean?

Acclaimed and Enduring Jacob came from Hebrew is especially used in English, Norwegian, Faroese, Finnish, German, Dutch, Danish, Greenlandic, Swedish and Scandinavian and is bestowed upon both genders, meaning of Jacob is "Supplanter, Heel Grabber, One who Supplants, Yahweh May Protect, Holder of the Heel or To Supplant".

It is celebrated on the 20th of December.

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How do I pronounce Jacob?

The most common pronunciation of two syllabled Jacob is j(a)-cob.

Variants of Jacob

Iacobus, Iacomus, Iakobos, Yaakov, Cobb, Jascha, James, Aaronjacob, Jacobalexander, Aharon, Aaron, Jacobus, Jacomus, Yakov, Chango, Jamie, Jasha, Aaronjames, Jamesanthony, Jacques, Aron, Aahron, Ari, Aaronn, Aaronae

Nicknames for Jacob

If you are looking for a nickname for a baby named Jacob, There are plenty of choices

Names that rhyme with Jacob

How popular is the name Jacob?

Jacob was an extremely popular name in United States. Over 933261 babies have been given the first name in 199 years. At its zenith in 1999, it ranked 1st when 36010 parents chose the moniker for their baby boys.

However after 199 years, the name is on free fall on the charts but still going strong on charts. In addition to that, the given name has been in the top 5 baby names 21 times Also, Jacob was a very popular name in England and Wales.

Over 81012 babies have been named Jacob since 1996. At its zenith in 2013, 5286 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 4th position. However after 23 years, the name is on free fall on the charts but still going strong on charts.

Moreover, the name has been to the top 5 baby names 5 times Also, a popular name in Denmark with over 17121 new-borns have been given the name since 1985. When at the peak of its usage in 1998, 964 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 7th position.

Additionally, the name has been in the top 10 baby names 11 times Also, Jacob is a popular name in Sweden given to over 8944 babies in 18 years. When at the peak of its usage in 1998, the moniker grabbed the 10th spot and 875 baby boys were given the name.

Additionally, the given name has been in the top 10 baby names 1 times Also, Jacob was a popular name in New South Wales. Over 14477 babies have been named Jacob since 1982.

At its zenith in 1999, the moniker grabbed the 10th spot and 599 baby boys were given the name. However after 38 years, the name is on free fall on the charts.

In addition to that, the moniker has been in the top 10 baby names 2 times

Jacob is a common name in Ireland given to over 2217 babies in 34 years.

Presently the moniker is on a rise, in 2016, 195 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 37th position. Also, Jacob is common in France where over 3028 new-borns have been given the name since 1900.

Presently at its peak, the moniker grabbed the 212nd spot and 114 baby boys were given the name. Also, Jacob is a common name in Netherlands given to over 716 babies in 7 years.

Currently the moniker is on a rise, in 2019, it ranked 118th when 136 parents chose the moniker for their baby boys. Also, A common name in Queensland having over 8926 recievers in 39 years of usage.

When at its peak in 1999, 411 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 6th position. Also, Jacob is common in Western Australia where over 1390 new-borns have been given the name since 2000.

At the peak of its usage in 2012, 178 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 7th position. Additionally, the moniker has been in the top 10 baby names 8 times Also, In Victoria, Jacob was once a common name since emerging in 2008 it has been given to over 2446 babies.

At the peak of its usage in 2012,. However after 12 years, the name is currently sliding down on the charts but it is still going strong. Additionally, the name has been in the top 50 baby names 12 times

Jacob is a unique baby name in Belgium, it has been in use since 1995 and was able to reach the top 400 names.

In 2015, it achieved its highest ever ranking of 301 on boy names chart when 39 babies were named Jacob. Over 628 people have been named Jacob in Belgium. Jacob is an uncommon baby name in Switzerland, although it has been in use since 1998 but could not make beyond the top 400.

There are over 233 babies that have been given the name Jacob in Switzerland. In Northern Territory, it is relatively new, first appeared in 2003.

However things change on global perspective, Jacob is extremely popular in Nigeria where every 1 in 2000 have the name.

Also the baby name is popular in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, India, Uganda, South Sudan, DR Congo, Cameroon, Sudan, Zambia, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, England, Mozambique, Benin, Liberia, Chad, Sierra Leone, Angola, Australia, Philippines and Indonesia.

At least, 1080000 people globally have carried Jacob as their given name according to our research.

View more ▾View full list ▾[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Here's what numbers has to say about Jacob

Be careful not to drain yourself. Stop taking insults so personally because an insult can offend you, only if you accept it as your truth. You love life and life loves you. Stress hates your guts. You believe that nothing is impossible until your heart beats. You hang around with different people, so you can widen your life perspective and expand your knowledge. You are stubborn and self-motivated.

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  •  Boaz - Prevailing boy name Boaz is mostly used in Dutch and Hebrew, meaning of Boaz is "Quick, Strong or Swift" has its origin in Hebrew
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Middle names for Jacob

These familiar and attractive middle names fit well with Jacob.

View more middle names that goes with Jacob.

Famous people named Jacob

  • Jacob Anatoli, The 'Malmad ha-Talmidim' yields a great deal of information concerning the life and the time of its author
  • Jacob B. Winslow, Danish-born French anatomist
  • Jacob Le Maire, Dutch mariner
  • Jacob Sprenger, Dominican Friar
  • Jacob Horton, senior vice-president of Southern Company's Gulf Power Unit
  • Jacob Magnus Sprengtporten, Swedish and Finnish officer and politician
  • Jacob Baradaeus, Bishop of Edessa
  • Jacob Clemens non Papa, Netherlandish composer of the Renaissance based for most of his life
  • Jacob of Serugh, was one of the foremost Syriac poet-theologians
  • Jacob Hutter, Tyrolean Anabaptist leader and founder of the Hutterites
  • Jacob Broom, American businessperson and politician
  • Jacob do Bandolim, Brazilian composer and musician
  • Jacob Rabinow, engineer and inventor
  • Jacob Ljunglöf, Swedish tobacco producer
  • Jacob Obrecht, Flemish-Dutch, Low Countries composer
  • Jacob Brønnum Scavenius Estrup, Danish politician, member of the Højre party
  • Jacob Friedrich von Abel, German philosopher
  • Jacob de Wit, Dutch artist and interior decorator
  • Jacob Froese, politician in the Canadian province of Manitoba
  • Jacob Talmon, was Professor of Modern History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Jacob Cox, American landscape and portrait painter
  • Jacob Letterstedt, Swedish businessman who settled in the Cape Colony
  • Jacob of Nisibis, Bishop of Nisibis until his death
  • Jacob Bryant, English scholar and mythographer
  • Jacob Fidelis Ackermann, German professor of anatomy and surgery
  • Jacob Acontius, Italian jurist, theologian
  • Jacob Steinhardt, German-born Israeli painter and woodcut artist
  • Jacob ben Machir ibn Tibbon,
  • Jacob Millman, professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University
  • Jacob Gaón, Jewish Basque tax collector
  • Jacob A. Marinsky, chemist
  • Jacob Adam, Austrian copper etcher
  • Jacob Georg Agardh, Swedish botanist, phycologist, and taxonomist
  • Jacob Praetorius, German Baroque composer and organist
  • Jacob Israël de Haan, Dutch-Jewish literary writer
  • Jacob Sullum, syndicated newspaper columnist with Creators Syndicate and a senior editor at 'Reason' magazine
  • Jacob Kautz, Anabaptist
  • Jacob Palis, Jacob Palis Jr
  • Jacob Hübner, German entomologist
  • Jacob Kirkegaard, sound artist born in 1975 in Denmark
  • Jacob Bassevi, Bohemian Court Jew and financier
  • Jacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi, author of the 'Tseno Ureno'
  • Jacob de Heusch, Dutch painter
  • Jacob Klapwijk, Dutch philosopher, and Emeritus Professor of Modern and Systematic Philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit
  • Jacob Bernoulli, was one of the many prominent mathematicians
  • Jacob Bronowski, Polish-born British mathematician and historian
  • Jacob Burckhardt, Swiss historian of art and culture and an influential figure
  • Jacob Bekenstein, Mexican-born Israeli-American theoretical physicist
  • Jacob Wolfowitz, Polish-born American statistician and Shannon Award-winning information theorist
  • Jacob Bjerknes, meteorologist
  • Jacob Lawrence, African-American painter
  • Jacob Abbott, American writer of children's books
  • Jacob Abendana, was 'hakham' of London
  • Jacob Neusner, Neusner was born in Hartford
  • Jacob Grimm, German philologist, jurist, and mythologist
  • Jacob Riis, Danish-American social reformer

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  1. Social Security Administration, https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/index.html
  2. Office for National Statistics, https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths
  3. Central Statistics Office - An Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh, https://visual.cso.ie/?body=entity/babynames
  4. Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2540004
  5. Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/family-names-and-first-names/first-names-boys-and-girls
  6. Office fédéral de la statistique, https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/population/naissances-deces/prenoms-nouveaux-nes.html
  7. Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://www.svb.nl/nl/kindernamen/
  8. Danmarks Statistik, https://www.dst.dk/en/Statistik/emner/borgere/navne
  9. SCB- Statistikmyndigheten, https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/population/general-statistics/name-statistics/
  10. Births Deaths And Marriages Victoria, https://www.bdm.vic.gov.au/births/naming-your-child/popular-baby-names-in-victoria
  11. Department of Jutsice, Government of Western Australia, https://bdm.justice.wa.gov.au/_apps/BabyNames/Default.aspx?uid=1144-3594-8619-1127
  12. NT.GOV.AU, https://nt.gov.au/law/bdm/popular-baby-names
  13. Queensland Government - Open Data Portal, https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/top-100-baby-names
  14. NSW Government, https://www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/births/popular-baby-names
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