Jakkh name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Sikh
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Jakkh
Meaning: Holy One, A Devout Worshipper and A Demi God
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What does Jakkh mean?

Meaning of Jakkh is Holy One, A Devout Worshipper or A Demi God is used as a baby girl name is prevalently used among Sikhs.

How popular is the name Jakkh?

Jakkh is an uncommon name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Jakkh

Not following your gut when it comes to ideas and aspirations will lead you nowhere. You don't depend on anyone's understanding and support. It takes a long time for someone to gain a special place in your heart. Your great sense of humor makes you attractive in other people's eyes. You like your freedom and independence. You don't even use your intuition when it comes to important life decisions.

Other names liked by soon-to-be-parents that are similar to Jakkh

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  •  Brahampreet - Used particulary in Sikh, Brahampreet bestowed upon baby boys, Brahampreet means "Love for the Supreme God"
  •  Navlaal - Boy name Navlaal is largely used in Sikh language, meaning of Navlaal is "Novel Loving Person"
  •  Abhijeevan - Originated from Sanskrit, Abhijeevan is a baby boy name, prevalently used in Sikh, Abhijeevan means "Living fearlessly or Fearless Life"
  •  Akashbir - The boy name Akashbir means "Brave as the Sky" is used dominantly in Sikh

Famous people named Jakkh

We could not find any notable namesake.

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