Kalkko name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old High German and Germanic
Usage: Finnish
Meaning: Man and Husband
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What does Kalkko mean?

Kalkko is Finnish cognate of Kalkke.

Variants of Kalkko

Kalkke, Kalle, Kaaleppi, Carolus, Carl, Charles, Karle, Karl, Kaleva

How popular is the name Kalkko?

Kalkko is an extremely rare name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Kalkko

When it comes to love, you are not demanding or act protectively around your partner. People admire your spirit. You don't like to brag about your knowledge and wisdom because you know that with time, everyone will realize your value. People find it hard to get through you. Share your knowledge and positive energy. It's what you are best at. When going through an emotional breakdown, it takes you longer than other people to get back on track.

Other names similar to Kalkko, for would be parents

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Famous people named Kalkko

We could not find any notable namesake.

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