Kangsha name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Kangsha
Meaning: Desire
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What does Kangsha mean?

Kangsha means Desire or Want is dominantly used in Telugu, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Hindi and Oriya is used for baby girls.

How popular is the name Kangsha?

Kangsha is a familiar baby name in India. As per our evaluation, over 100 people has been named Kangsha globally, concentrated mainly in Islamic countries.


Numerological analysis of Kangsha

In order to do something unprecedented, you have to refocus from what's not important such as gossip, partying and messing around to what's really important and that's your dreams and expanding your knowledge. You never get tired from trying to be better than you were yesterday. You are a good listener but give the worst advice. You are just scared to express your feelings because you secretly believe it will give people power over you.

Looking for a name like Kangsha? Please go through the following names

  •  Udgita - Udgita's meaning is A Hymn or Lord Shiva is mostly used in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam is aimed at girls
  •  Shuchismita is used majorly in Telugu, Hindi and Bengali, Shuchismita means "One who has a Pure Smile" is bestowed upon baby girls
  •  Shashwati - The girl name Shashwati means "Perpetual or Permanent" is substantially used in Bengali, Marathi and Kannada
  •  Selva - Uncustomary Selva majorly is used in Malayalam and Telugu is a gender insensitive name, meaning of Selva is "Prosperous, Wealth or Simple of Joy" has origin in Latin
  •  Daakshi - Meaning of Daakshi is Golden is used as a baby boy name is particulary used in Tamil and Oriya

Famous people named Kangsha

We could not find any notable namesake.

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