Kapiseq name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Greenlandic
Usage: Greenlandic
Meaning: Rain Coat Made of Intestines
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What does Kapiseq mean?

Kapiseq is equivalent of Kapitseq in Greenlandic language.

Variants of Kapiseq

Kapitseq, Kapitseĸ

How popular is the name Kapiseq?

Kapiseq is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numbers say about Kapiseq?

You never allow yourself to explore your options, do whatever the hell you want to do at the moment, and act as you feel, and not as others expect you to act. You think a lot and it makes you sick sometimes. The letter K as a cornerstone stands for energy, strong character and beliefs, and authority. You are always there to help people in need with a good advice or do something that would ease up their situation, or at least make them feel more comfortable in their own skin.

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Famous people named Kapiseq

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