Klébert name meaning

Gender: Boy
Meaning: Mason
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What does Klébert mean?

Meaning of Klébert is not available this time. Please visit after sometime.

How popular is the name Klébert?

Klébert is an uncommon name around the world.

Looking for names similar to Klébert? Please go through the following names

  •  ElilVili means Beautiful Eyes or Pretty Eyes used for girls is used largely in Hindi and Tamil
  •  Bartholomée - Bartholomée means "Son of Tolomé" came from Aramaic
  •  Jorinna - Girl name Jorinna means "Watchful or Bauer" is used in Frisian
  •  Kehara - The uncommon and modern girl name Kehara means "Precious"
  •  JazzdeepSingh - Boy name JazzdeepSingh is mostly used in Punjabi and Sikh languages, meaning of JazzdeepSingh is "Deep Rocking"

Famous people named Klébert

We could not find any notable namesake.

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