Kofey name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: African-Akan
Meaning: Boy Born on Friday
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What does Kofey mean?

Kofey is variant of renowned Kofi. Originated from African-Akan, Kofi, Kofi means "Boy Born on Friday".

Variants of Kofey

Kofi, Afi

How popular is the name Kofey?

Kofey is an uncommon name around the globe.


Numerological aspects of Kofey

You wish to live someplace quiet surrounded by nature and animals like the mountains. You dream of spending your last days in a place like this. But for now, focus on today. Listen to your heart, enjoy more and care less. You are capable of great achievements. When it comes to love, be more open with your partner. All you care about is your satisfaction. If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

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Famous people named Kofey

We could not find any notable namesake.

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