Mallolan name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi and Marathi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Mallolan
Meaning: Name of Lord Vishnu
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What does Mallolan mean?

Mallolan is used majorly in Hindi and Marathi is a baby boy name, Mallolan means "Name of Lord Vishnu".

How popular is the name Mallolan?

Mallolan is an extremely rare name around the globe.


What numbers say about Mallolan?

If letter M is your cornerstone, you probably bury yourself in work every day. You don't believe in rules and restrictions. You enjoy challenges because they force you to extend your limits and give more than you thought you can. You like to think you are an intuitive person but you are not. You have a sharp focus and nothing slips your eye. You should understand not everyone has the same expectations and wishes out of life and themselves.

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Famous people named Mallolan

We could not find any notable namesake.

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