Monjulika name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Hindi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Monjulika
Meaning: Queen
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What does Monjulika mean?

Used substantially in Hindi, Monjulika is used as a girl name, Monjulika means "Queen".

How popular is the name Monjulika?

Monjulika is an uncommon name which might be exclusive to India. According to our evaluation, over 40 babies have been named Monjulika globally.


What numbers say about Monjulika?

You take calculated risks and take your ideas and the ideas of others seriously. You enjoy tense situations and complex problems that require a lot of thinking and creativity. People who know you describe you as driven and ambitious. The letter A as your capstone represents your passion for greater achievements. Start cleaning your karma and you will notice a tremendous change in your life.

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Famous people named Monjulika

We could not find any notable namesake.

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