Moutisha name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Bengali
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Moutisha
Meaning: Like a Pearl
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What does Moutisha mean?

Chiefly used in Bengali, Moutisha bestowed upon girls, meaning of Moutisha is "Like a Pearl".

How popular is the name Moutisha?

Moutisha is an uncommon name around the world.


Numerological aspects of Moutisha

In order to do something unprecedented, you have to refocus from what's not important such as gossip, partying and messing around to what's really important and that's your dreams and expanding your knowledge. You are trustworthy and hate liars who obsess over material things. Escaping or ignoring your problems won't make them go away. You are a good listener but the advice you give is taken by a pinch of salt by others.

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Famous people named Moutisha

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