Parvaney name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Sanskr
Meaning: Full Moon, A Festival and Feast
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What does Parvaney mean?

Girl name Parvaney has origin in Sanskrit. Parvaney is a version of Parvani. Sanskrit name Parvani, meaning of Parvani is "Full Moon, A Festival and Feast".

Variants of Parvaney

Parvani, Parvanee

How popular is the name Parvaney?

Parvaney is an extremely rare name around the globe.


What numbers say about Parvaney?

Deep inside, people envy you, and you know it. Once you distance yourself from everything you know inspiration will walk into your life again. You have a specific taste in people. You don't hang around with just anyone. However, this is why people respect you. You believe life's to have fun. You are a perfectionist when it comes to relationships too. Not being focused on building an impressive career doesn't mean you should stay uneducated and blind.

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Famous people named Parvaney

We could not find any notable namesake.

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