Pilutannguaq name meaning

Gender: Unisex, both Boy and Girl
Origin: Greenlandic
Usage: Greenlandic and Danish
Meaning: Leaf
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What does Pilutannguaq mean?

Pilutannguaq is Greenlandic form of Pilutánguaĸ.

Variants of Pilutannguaq

Pilutánguaĸ, Pilutaĸ, Piloĸ, Piloĸutínguaĸ

How popular is the name Pilutannguaq?

Pilutannguaq is an uncommon name around the world.


What numerology tells about Pilutannguaq?

Helping people, protecting nature and animals are your main preoccupation. You always care more about other people's well-being and never find time to check how you are doing. You believe planning revenge is a waste of energy and time and you use those doing something productive or noble. To feel happy and fulfilled, you have to do something you haven't done before. That's helping others. You never do things you are not passionate about.

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Famous people named Pilutannguaq

We could not find any notable namesake.

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