Pilutaq name meaning

Gender: Unisex, both Boy and Girl
Origin: Greenlandic
Usage: Greenlandic, Danish and Swedish
Meaning: Leaf
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What does Pilutaq mean?

Pilutaq is Greenlandic equivalent of Pilutaĸ.

Variants of Pilutaq

Pilutaĸ, Piloĸ, Piloĸutínguaĸ, Piloq, Piloqutinnguaq

How popular is the name Pilutaq?

Pilutaq is an uncommon name around the globe.


Numerological aspects of Pilutaq

Leave your own mark in the world. You need to open up to new adventures and experiences. You often end up hurt and disappointed. You are a tidy person and dress normally. You are gifted with an amazing physiognomy but often doubt your value. You already have what other wish for but must learn to keep your life in continuous order. You attract wealth and successful people with your charisma. When it comes to your career, you don't make it your priority but see it as something you must do to survive.

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Famous people named Pilutaq

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