Poornachandra name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Sanskr
Usage: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Meaning: Born Beneath the Full Moon
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What does Poornachandra mean?

Poornachandra means Born Beneath the Full Moon has its origin in Sanskrit, used in Gujarati, Oriya, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Bengali is commonly bestowed upon baby boys.

Variants of Poornachandra


How popular is the name Poornachandra?

Poornachandra is a familiar baby name in India. At least, 900 people globally have carried Poornachandra as their given name according to our evaluation.


Numerological analysis of Poornachandra

Having this letter as your capstone reveals your self-consumption and self-absorption. Change yourself completely. Be more open-minded and ready to learn new things. You only need the right ones to be content in life. And you are right. You secretly believe that you are a genius. People respect you for always serving the ugly truth instead of lies. You sleep a lot because it's your way of escaping reality.

Go through the following names similar to Poornachandra

  •  Karthica - Primarily used in Gujarati and Marathi, Karthica means "Leader of Deva Army, Hindu Month or Character of Angel" is a unisex name
  •  Taluni - The girl name Taluni means "Young" is used mainly in Hindi, Telugu and Marathi
  •  Kodiswaran - Chiefly used in Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam, Kodiswaran bestowed upon baby boys, meaning of Kodiswaran is "Lord Shiva or Richest"
  •  Aaslunan - Aaslunan's meaning is Gem is predominantly used in Telugu and Marathi is used for boys
  •  Fenny - Unisex name Fenny means "Cool or Smart" which is rooted from Old English is notably used in Gujarati and Telugu

Famous people named Poornachandra

  • Poornachandra Tejaswi, prominent Kannada writer, novelist, photographer, publisher

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