Porse name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Swedish and Norwegian
Meaning: Bog Myrtle
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What does Porse mean?

Porse is used chiefly in Norwegian and Swedish is a boy name. Porse is form of Porsi. Porsi means Bog Myrtle is originated from Old Norse is used chiefly in Old Norse.

Variants of Porse

Pors, Porsi

How popular is the name Porse?

Porse is an uncommon name probably limited to Indonesia. At least, 50 people globally have carried Porse as their given name according to our findings.


What numerology tells about Porse?

Being crazy is your way to handle the ugliness of the world and stay sane. You are willing to give up everything you have to achieve everything you ever wanted. Hang around with new people but be selective. You are a good listener, and always give the best advice, especially when it comes to relationships. You hate waking up at the same time in the morning if you don't have to. You are all about justice and can't stand people who interfere in other people's lives.

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Famous people named Porse

We could not find any notable namesake.

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