Prabhakaran name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Sanskrit
Usage: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Meaning: The Sun
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What does Prabhakaran mean?

Used prevalently in Oriya, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, Malayalam, Hindi, Marathi and Bengali, Prabhakaran is used mainly as a baby boy name has origin in Sanskrit. Prabhakaran is variation of preeminent Prabhakar.

Prabhakar is variant of Prabhakara. Prabhakar means The Sun has origin in Sanskrit.

Variants of Prabhakaran

Prabhakar, Prabhakara

Names that rhyme with Prabhakaran

How popular is the name Prabhakaran?

Prabhakaran is a popular baby name in India where every 1 in 40000 have the name. At least, 40000 people around the globe have been given the name as per our evaluation.


Numerological analysis of Prabhakaran

You are always open to hearing new opinions and perspectives. You are often taken as crazy because of your fearlessness and courageous acts you take to achieve your aspirations. Your life dream is to become a role model and inspire people. You are not stubborn but flexible and think outside the limits. You are an ambitious person, who's driven by success and high aspirations. Planning is what keeps your mind in shape.

Looking for names similar to Prabhakaran? Please go through the following names

  •  Chandratara - The girl name Chandratara is dominantly used in Malayalam and Gujarati, Chandratara means "The Moon or the Stars Conjoined"
  •  Dviti - Dominantly used in Telugu, Malayalam and Marathi, Dviti means "Bright" is used as a girl name
  •  Dumini - Used prevalently in Marathi and Malayalam, Dumini is used as a boy name, Dumini means "Bright or Name of Shiva"
  •  Rajvi - Meaning of Rajvi is Brave or Queen is largely used in Assamese, Oriya and Bengali is aimed at girls
  •  Mita means Friend, Dearest or A Friend is used mostly in Gujarati and Sindhi has its origin in Old Persian is given to both sexes

Famous people named Prabhakaran

We could not find any notable namesake.

  • Boy names beginning with P
  • Sanskrit Boy Names
  • Indian Boy Names
  • Hindi Boy Names
  • Bengali Boy Names
  • Gujarati Boy Names
  • Kannada Boy Names
  • Malayalam Boy Names
  • Marathi Boy Names
  • Tamil Boy Names
  • Telugu Boy Names
  • Baby Names that mean Sun

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