Prameetha name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Meaning: Best Friend and Wisdom
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What does Prameetha mean?

Prameetha's meaning is Best Friend or Wisdom is used principally in Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Oriya, Gujarati, Malayalam and Bengali is given to baby girls.

How popular is the name Prameetha?

Prameetha is a familiar baby name in India. At least, 100 people globally have carried Prameetha as their given name according to our research.


Numerological analysis of Prameetha

You are a good friend and know how to keep secrets. Mistakes are the only way to become better at something. Your soul urge number recommends you believe in yourself and your talents more. You don't believe much in love. However, deep inside, you secretly wish to find someone who will prove you wrong. You are hard-working by nature and success drives you. Start cleaning your karma and you will notice a tremendous change in your life.

Other names similar to Prameetha, for soon-to-be-parents

  •  Sethulakshmi - Girl name Sethulakshmi means "Goddess Lakshmi" is used principally in Tamil and Hindi
  •  Bharathi - Unisex name Bharathi means "Indian Women or Indian" is used in Tamil, Marathi and Gujarati
  •  Dharmil - Meaning of Dharmil is Good Religeonist is substantially used in Tamil, Kannada and Telugu is aimed at baby boys
  •  Sharapanjarabhedaka - Meaning of Sharapanjarabhedaka is Destroyer of the Nest Made of Arrows aimed at boys is used commonly in Hindi, Oriya and Telugu
  •  Hariaksh means Lord Shiva is used as a baby boy name is specifically used in Marathi and Malayalam

Famous people named Prameetha

We could not find any notable namesake.

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