Prashaha name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Hindi and Marathi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Prashaha
Meaning: Powerful
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What does Prashaha mean?

Prashaha especially is used in Marathi and Hindi, meaning of Prashaha is "Powerful" is a girl name.

How popular is the name Prashaha?

Prashaha is an extremely rare name around the globe.


What numerology tells about Prashaha?

You lack motivation and courage to take an action. So what if you fail? Although you play tough all the time, deep inside, there's a sensitive soul capable of love. When it comes to life goals and career, you always give your best. Your personal progress matters more than your professional achievements and goals. You are known for your lively spirit, eternal patience and lack of belief when it comes to love.

Looking for a name like Prashaha? Please go through the following names

  •  Suvikram prevalently is used in Hindi and Marathi, meaning of Suvikram is "Great Valour" is bestowed upon boys
  •  Rabhu - Boy name Rabhu means "Prudent or Skillful" is notably used in Marathi and Hindi
  •  Anilaabh means Spirit of the Wind is used as a baby boy name is dominantly used in Marathi, Hindi and Malayalam
  •  Jyotishk - Boy name Jyotishk is principally used in Marathi and Hindi, meaning of Jyotishk is "Luminous"
  •  Rageshwari notably is used in Sanskrit, Gujarati and Hindi is a girl name, meaning of Rageshwari is "Master of Melodic Modes or Goddess of Melody"

Famous people named Prashaha

We could not find any notable namesake.

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