Preshan name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: English
Usage: Tamil
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Preshan
Meaning: Loved, Of Great Value, Highly Esteemed and Precious
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What does Preshan mean?

Preshan is variant of Presh. Presh is derivative of Precious.

Variants of Preshan


How popular is the name Preshan?

Preshan is a familiar baby name in Sri Lanka and South Africa. As per our evaluation, over 500 people has been named Preshan globally.


What numbers say about Preshan?

Nothing escapes your eye, your sense of smell is highly developed, such as your sense of touch. You are deeply related to the 5 senses. You can't imagine enjoying a normal life like many people do. The letter P as your cornerstone revels your passionate character. Number 9 as your expression no represents your higher purpose in life. Having letter P as a cornerstone represents your eternal hunger for more in life.

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Famous people named Preshan

We could not find any notable namesake.

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