Pujo name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Greenlandic
Usage: Greenlandic, Swedish and Finnish
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What does Pujo mean?

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Variants of Pujo


How popular is the name Pujo?

Pujo is a popular baby name in Indonesia where every 1 in 20000 have the name. At least, 10000 people around the globe have been given the name as per our estimate.


Numerological analysis of Pujo

You don't want to bother people with your problems and pass negative energy. Being crazy is your way to handle the ugliness of the world and stay sane. Pay more attention to your overall well-being. It's like luck follows you wherever you go and whatever you do results in a positive outcome. You are a wise person with great knowledge that you intend on sharing in the future. You never do things you are not passionate about.

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Famous people named Pujo

We could not find any notable namesake.

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