Rangeet name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Sikh and Punjabi
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Rangeet
Meaning: Songs of Battlefield, Region of Battle, Handsome and Well Colored
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What does Rangeet mean?

Predominantly used among Sikhs and Punjabi, Rangeet bestowed upon boys, meaning of Rangeet is "Songs of Battlefield, Region of Battle, Handsome or Well Colored".

How popular is the name Rangeet?

Rangeet is a familiar baby name in India. At least, 300 people globally have been given the name as per our estimate.


Here's what numbers has to say about Rangeet

When it comes to relationships, you hate monogamy and easily fall in and out of love. People admire your spirit. You are passionate when it comes to relationships but cool off too easily. You have no enemies. Positive energy adores your spirit. Open your eyes before it's too late and explore your options. Stay true to yourself and your friends. You have to accept that better days are coming and stop grieving over the good old ones.

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Famous people named Rangeet

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