Rann name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Sikh
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Rann
Meaning: Battlefield
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What does Rann mean?

Majorly used among Sikhs, Rann is used as a boy name, meaning of Rann is "Battlefield".

How popular is the name Rann?

Rann is a familiar baby name in India and United States. At least, 400 people around the globe have been given the name as per our estimate.


Here's what numbers has to say about Rann

Your life interests change as you change, constantly. When it comes to friends, you are their rock and shoulder to cry. You rarely criticize others but often criticize yourself. Your bad habits and addictions block your way to success. People envy your success and personal life, and would give just anything to be like you. You have a positive influence on people but gather their negativity instead of positivity on a daily basis. It drains you.

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Famous people named Rann

We could not find any notable namesake.

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