Razam name meaning

Gender: Boy
Meaning: Lion
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What does Razam mean?

Razam's meaning is Lion is aimed at baby boys.

How popular is the name Razam?

Razam is a familiar baby name in Pakistan. At least, 500 people globally have been given the name, concentrated mainly in Islamic countries as per our research.


Numerological analysis of Razam

There isn't a person you can't charm. You are known for your lively spirit, eternal patience and lack of belief when it comes to love. Your life interests change as you change, constantly. People don't concern you much, meaning there are only a few people you trust in your life. You have the ability to predict things before they happen thanks to your strong intuition. You never come up with a plan to achieve something but make your way as you go.

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Famous people named Razam

We could not find any notable namesake.

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