Renegade name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Meaning: Defector; rebel
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What does Renegade mean?

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How popular is the name Renegade?

[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Numerological analysis of Renegade

There are so many new, exciting things to experience. Start looking at obstacles and challenges as new opportunities. To have number 7 as your personality number means you are calm by nature and have a peaceful attitude about everything. You are a perfectionist when it comes to relationships too. People don't concern you much, meaning there are only a few people you trust in your life. You often make other feel like they are better than you in order to make them feel good about themselves.

Other names similar to Renegade

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  •  Amaris - Widespread unisex name Amaris means "Child of the Moon, God has Promised or Pledged by God". Its origin is in English and Hebrew is largely used in Gujarati and Malayalam
  •  Gracy - Persistent and Curious Gracy is used in Gujarati, Bengali and Telugu, Gracy means "Protector, Angel or Very Lazy" is used as a girl name

Famous people named Renegade

  • Renegade Soundwave, electronic music group
  • Renegade Five, rock band from Karlstad, Sweden


  1. Social Security Administration,
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