Richo name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Danish, Swedish and Finnish
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What does Richo mean?

Richo is another transcription of Ricko. Ricko is variant of Names Containing the Name Element Rik.

Variants of Richo


How popular is the name Richo?

Richo is a rare name around the globe.


Richo in Nordic countries

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What numerology tells about Richo?

Having letter R as a cornerstone reflects your modesty, pride, and naivety. Don't live to work. Work to live. Job and life success are your priorities. Overcoming obstacles is your thing. People find it easy to communicate with you but only after you find a way to relax in their presence. Live a life to remember. Otherwise, you will definitely regret the opportunities you missed when you get older.

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Famous people named Richo

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