Roxburge name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: English
Meaning: From the Rook's Town and Rooks Town Or
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What does Roxburge mean?

The boy name Roxburge has its origin in English. Roxburge is a variant of Roxbury. Originated from English, Roxbury is used principally in English language, Roxbury means "From the Raven's Fortress and Fortress".

Variants of Roxburge

Roxbury, Roxberry

How popular is the name Roxburge?

Roxburge is an extremely rare name around the globe.


Numerological analysis of Roxburge

Overcoming obstacles is your thing. You have no problem working in a team but working alone suits you better. With time, people who don't belong near you, walk away. You have so many talents you could work with. Why don't you write a book yourself? Or channel your creativity someplace else except work? Accept how you are and stop stressing over your imperfections because they're the ones that make you perfectly imperfect.

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Famous people named Roxburge

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