Royina name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Royina
Meaning: Rising, Growing and Ascending
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What does Royina mean?

Girl name Royina is specifically used in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Telugu, Oriya, Sanskrit, Tamil, Gujarati and Bengali languages, Royina means "Rising, Growing or Ascending".

How popular is the name Royina?

Royina is an uncommon name probably limited to Zimbabwe. As per our findings, over 200 people has been named Royina globally.


Numerological analysis of Royina

Logic isn't your strongest side but perfectionism is something people admire you for. People respect you for always serving the ugly truth instead of lies. You are curious and driven by your wish to invent new things and solutions. You are trustworthy and hate liars who obsess over material things. You prefer to take advantage of people, but feel disappointed when someone takes you for granted.

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Famous people named Royina

We could not find any notable namesake.

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