Rukh name meaning

Gender: Boy
Meaning: Crown
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What does Rukh mean?

Boy name Rukh means "Crown".

How popular is the name Rukh?

Rukh is a common baby name in Pakistan and India. According to our estimate, over 3000 babies have been named Rukh globally.


What numerology tells about Rukh?

Accept how you are and stop stressing over your imperfections because they're the ones that make you perfectly imperfect. You are a determinate fellow. With time, you will gather the courage to make the first step toward your goal. You are a person of change and spontaneity. You are an imaginative and creative person always doing something new, going someplace unknown, open to new adventures. There are so many new, exciting things to experience. Start looking at obstacles and challenges as new opportunities.

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Famous people named Rukh

We could not find any notable namesake.

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