Rysia name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Swedish and Old Swedish
Meaning: Fish Trap, Hoop-Net
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What does Rysia mean?

The boy name Rysia means "Fish Trap, Hoop-Net" is originated from Old Norse is primarily used in Swedish and Old Swedish.

How popular is the name Rysia?

Rysia is an uncommon name around the world. As per our research, over 50 people has been named Rysia globally.


Numerological analysis of Rysia

You believe in yourself, something we don't see much in people today. People respect you for always serving the ugly truth instead of lies. Having the letter A as your capstone reveals your hard-working nature and persistence. Having this letter as your capstone reveals your self-consumption and self-absorption. People have a hard time figuring you out but once they do, they see you are kind-hearted and try to take advantage of your naivety.

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Famous people named Rysia

We could not find any notable namesake.

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