Saiteja name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Telugu
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Saiteja
Meaning: Brightness of Lord Saibaba
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What does Saiteja mean?

Meaning of Saiteja is Brightness of Lord Saibaba is particulary used in Telugu is used as a boy name.

How popular is the name Saiteja?

Saiteja is a familiar baby name in India. According to our research, over 700 babies have been named Saiteja globally.


Numerological aspects of Saiteja

You don't take love very seriously. You hypnotize people with your eyes and the way you talk. You are an ambitious person, who's driven by success and high aspirations. You are a good listener but give the worst advice. The letter S as your cornerstone reveals your wish to leave your mark in the world. If you have things to be handled, you handle them right away, without much waiting. You prefer originality and hard work instead of taking the easier road to success.

Go through the following names similar to Saiteja

  •  Dedipya - Mainly used in Telugu, Dedipya bestowed upon girls, meaning of Dedipya is "Shining"
  •  Venkatas - Used majorly in Telugu, Venkatas is used as a baby boy name, Venkatas means "Hill"
  •  Jwalitha - Jwalitha's meaning is Fire is used in Telugu is bestowed upon girls
  •  Keervani - Girl name Keervani means "Goddess" is particulary used in Telugu
  •  Baaji - Baaji's meaning is Game is used notably in Telugu is used as a baby girl name

Famous people named Saiteja

We could not find any notable namesake.

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