Saraswathy name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil and Telugu
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Saraswathy
Meaning: Tamil Goddess for Education and Goddess of Learning
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What does Saraswathy mean?

Saraswathy is used principally in Telugu, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Oriya and Kannada bestowed upon baby girls, Saraswathy means "Tamil Goddess for Education or Goddess of Learning".

How popular is the name Saraswathy?

Saraswathy is a popular baby name in India where every 1 in 50000 have the name as well as in Malaysia. According to our findings, over 30000 babies have been named Saraswathy globally.


Here's what numbers has to say about Saraswathy

Passion doesn't last much but respect and care do. You are often taken as crazy because of your fearlessness and courageous acts you take to achieve your aspirations. Your main characteristics are determination, courage, and enterprise. You are compassionate and always put other people's needs before yours. You are the mover and shaker of the world. Grab the given opportunities or create your own.

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Famous people named Saraswathy

We could not find any notable namesake.

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