Sariq name meaning

Updated: March 17th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Origin: Sanskr
Pronunciation: s(a)-riq
Meaning: Thrush and Resembling a Small Song Bird
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What does Sariq mean?

Sariq is a form of Saarik. Saarik is version of Sarik. Sanskrit name Saarik, meaning of Saarik is "Resembling a Small Song Bird and Thrush".

How do I pronounce Sariq?

s(a)-riq is the most common way to pronounce two syllabled Sariq.

Variants of Sariq

Saarik, Sarik, Saaric

How popular is the name Sariq?

Sariq is an uncommon name around the world. At least, 90 people globally have been given the name as per our research.


What numbers say about Sariq?

Focus on what makes you feel alive and energetic. Letter S as your cornerstone indicates a charismatic person who can win anyone's heart. You are interested in learning new and exciting things. Your decision to keep fighting for things even when they're falling apart sometimes ruins self-confidence. If number 1 is your soul urge no, it means you should be more independent. You are all about adventure and travel.

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Famous people named Sariq

We could not find any notable namesake.

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