Shantashil name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati, Oriya and Tamil
Meaning: Gentle
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What does Shantashil mean?

Used primarily in Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Oriya, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati and Malayalam, Shantashil bestowed upon boys, Shantashil means "Gentle".

How popular is the name Shantashil?

Shantashil is a familiar baby name in India. At least, 100 people globally have been given the name as per our evaluation.


Numerological analysis of Shantashil

Remember you don't have to know everything. You love your freedom and respect other people's freedom too. You hate monotony and everything that has to be done in routine. When it comes to friends, you are their rock and shoulder to cry. You are the innovator, the one who organizes parties or sleepovers, and the initiator for doing unusual stuff. You believe life's to have fun. You are an intuitive person and can tell if someone's playing you or not.

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Famous people named Shantashil

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