Siissa name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Finnish
Meaning: Note to the Gender of Caecilier
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What does Siissa mean?

Siissa is form of Sissa in Finnish language.

Variants of Siissa

Sissa, Siss, Annesisse

How popular is the name Siissa?

Siissa is an uncommon name around the globe.


Numerological aspects of Siissa

Having letter A as your capstone in your name represents the independent and carefree life you are living. When it comes to life goals and career, you always give your best. You are hard to read but once someone gets close to you, you allow the person to manipulate you on purpose in order to see how he or she will treat you thinking they have power over you. Having letter A as your capstone reveals how you look at life and other people.

Looking for a name like Siissa? Please go through the following names

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  •  Jooppi is Finnish cognate of Joopi
  •  Marpu - Notably used in Finnish, Marpu is aimed at baby girls. Marpu is Finnish equivalent of Marppa
  •  Corfits is Danish equivalent of Cornificius
  •  Frauken is North and Frisian form of Frowe

Famous people named Siissa

We could not find any notable namesake.

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