Skuggi name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Icelandic, Swedish and Danish
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What does Skuggi mean?

Skuggi is Icelandic cognate of Old Norse Skuggi = Shadow.

How popular is the name Skuggi?

Skuggi is an uncommon name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Skuggi

You are an intuitive person and can tell if someone's playing you or not. Reorder your priorities and put work as last. You stand for inner strength, smartness, solitude, single, superior, sensitive, and everything that comes with an “s”. People enjoy your presence and go out with you just to hear you talk about inspirational stuff. Instead of seeing it as a cursing, take this as your blessing.

Go through the following names similar to Skuggi

  •  Gælle - The boy name Gælle is mainly used in Swedish and Old SwedishFinnish languages. Gælle is Swedish equivalent of Gialli
  •  Hiælm is equivalent of Hialmr in Swedish language
  •  Miida is Finnish form of Mida
  •  Jasmín - Commonly Accepted girl name Jasmín is mainly used in Danish and Icelandic. Jasmín is Icelandic equivalent of Jasmin
  •  Frothi - Mostly used in Old Danish and Danish, Frothi is a boy name. Frothi is form of Fróði in Danish language

Famous people named Skuggi

We could not find any notable namesake.

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