Sobeslav name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Slavonic
Usage: Czech
Pronunciation: s(o)-bes-lav
Meaning: One who Usurped Glory
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What does Sobeslav mean?

Boy name Sobeslav means "One who Usurped Glory" that of Slavonic origin is predominantly used in Czech.

How do I pronounce Sobeslav?

Three syllabled Sobeslav is most commonly pronounced as s(o)-bes-lav. sob(e)-slav is the different way(s) to pronounce the name.

Variants of Sobeslav


How popular is the name Sobeslav?

Sobeslav is an uncommon name around the world.


Here's what numbers has to say about Sobeslav

You are a hard person to analyze and understand because of your inconsistency. You have a strong attitude about many things and stand firmly behind your beliefs and opinions. Facing what you've been through and allowing yourself to grieve over is the only way to fight the numbness within you. You are fully devoted to the people you care for but to get to this point with a person, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Other names similar to Sobeslav

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  •  Imrich - Contemporary boy name Imrich is chiefly used in Hungarian and Czech is originated from Germanic. Imrich is Czech form of Emery. Also Imrich is Hungarian and Czech cognate of Emmerich
  •  Leon - The prevailing and ever lasting unisex name Leon means "Like a Lion or Brave as a Lion" has its roots in Latin, Germanic and Old Greek is dominantly used in Spanish and Icelandic
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Famous people named Sobeslav

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