Stillev name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Norwegian
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What does Stillev mean?

Stillev is a variant form of Styrlaug. Styrlaug is a variant of Styrlaugr.

Variants of Stillev

Styrlaug, Styrlaugr, Stillaug

How popular is the name Stillev?

Stillev is an extremely rare name around the globe.


Numerological analysis of Stillev

Your distinctive plans almost always work, no matter how those plans sound impossible to proceed or unrealistic. Focus on what makes you feel alive and energetic. You are compassionate and always put other people's needs before yours. Allow your logical mind to take a break and follow your heart for once in your life. People are afraid of you sometimes because of your hard-core beliefs and independence.

Other names similar to Stillev, for name hunters

  •  Godberg - Prevalently used in Norwegian, Godberg is used for boys. Godberg is form of Gudbjørg in Norwegian language
  •  Paulov - Meaning of Paulov is Little, The Small and Weak is rooted from Latin, a baby boy name is used notably in Norwegian. Paulov is manly variation of Pauline.
  •  Somund - Boy name Somund is substantially used in Norwegian. Somund is Norwegian equivalent of Salmund
  •  Ånund - Boy name Ånund is prevalently used in Norwegian. Ånund is Norwegian equivalent of Anund
  •  Hellek is equivalent of Herleik in Norwegian language

Famous people named Stillev

We could not find any notable namesake.

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