Terkild name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse and Persian
Usage: Greenlandic, Danish and Finnish
Meaning: Kettle, Helmet, To be Clever, Knowledge, Wisdom and Merciful
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What does Terkild mean?

Terkild is Danish equivalent of Terkil.

Variants of Terkild

Therkild, Terkil, Torkel, Therkil, Þórkæll

How popular is the name Terkild?

Terkild is an uncommon name around the globe.


Here's what numbers has to say about Terkild

You know yourself so well, that you always find a way to keep yourself amused. You want to help others and leave an impression. You don't focus on material things but like to have nice possessions. You can hardly resist a temptation, a trait which affects your relationships in a negative way. Lower your expectations in people and increase the expectations you have in yourself. You are a born teacher, philosopher, educator, or researcher.

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Famous people named Terkild

We could not find any notable namesake.

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