Túkujaĸ name meaning

Gender: Girl
Usage: Greenlandic
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What does Túkujaĸ mean?

Proto-Eskimo tukku = 'host', 'be rich', 'be generous', 'stay at someone's house' and -jaq are combined to form Túkujaĸ. Proto-Eskimo tukku = 'host', 'be rich', 'be generous', 'stay at someone's house' and -jaq are combined to form Túkujaĸ.

Variants of Túkujaĸ


How popular is the name Túkujaĸ?

Túkujaĸ is an extremely rare name around the world.

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Famous people named Túkujaĸ

We could not find any notable namesake.

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