Uddarshan name meaning

Gender: Boy
Usage: Hindi
Meaning: With Clear Vision
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What does Uddarshan mean?

Meaning of Uddarshan is With Clear Vision used for boys is especially used in Hindi.

How popular is the name Uddarshan?

Uddarshan is an extremely rare name around the world.


Here's what numbers has to say about Uddarshan

Change your perspective and start searching for a solution with your heart. You have a plan on changing the world. However, in order to do it, teach people how to change themselves first. Your bad habits and addictions block your way to success. The soul is more important to you than your body. Having 5 as your soul urge number reveals your deep desire to change and transform all the time. You have a positive influence on people but gather their negativity instead of positivity on a daily basis. It drains you.

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Famous people named Uddarshan

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