Ukshana name meaning
What does Ukshana mean?
Meaning of Ukshana is not available this time. Please visit after sometime.
How popular is the name Ukshana?
Ukshana is an uncommon name around the globe.
What numbers say about Ukshana?
Change your perspective and start searching for a solution with your heart. You are a good speaker who knows what to say to motivate people. You have 3 as your expression number it reveals your positive attitude toward life. You are very smart and calculative. The letter A as your capstone represents your high aspirations and unusual character. You lack self-awareness and your conscience isn't clear.
Parents who liked Ukshana, loved these names
- Bahaj is used in Hindi is a boy name, Bahaj means "Rejoicing, Jubilation or Joy"
- Vanajyoti - Girl name Vanajyoti is prevalently used in Hindi, meaning of Vanajyoti is "Goddess Durga"
- Madhaveshta means Idea or Model aimed at baby girls is chiefly used in Hindi
- Uttamjeet - Boy name Uttamjeet means "Victory of the Best" is especially used in Hindi
- Bahumulya - Boy name Bahumulya means "Priceless" is primarily used in Hindi
Famous people named Ukshana
We could not find any notable namesake.