Uluiisa name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Old High German and Germanic
Usage: Greenlandic
Meaning: Loud, Famous, Fight, Battle, War, Illustrious and Fighter and Struggle
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What does Uluiisa mean?

Uluiisa is Greenlandic form of Uluîsa.

Variants of Uluiisa

Uluîsa, Luîsa, Luisa

How popular is the name Uluiisa?

Uluiisa is an extremely rare name around the world.


What numerology tells about Uluiisa?

You need to take a deep breath, look at all the beauty surrounding you today and just live? Change your perspective and start searching for a solution with your heart. You prefer to deal with things that matter and leave out all the rest. Be more flexible and less stubborn. You have this perfect life everyone admires. However, your life is far from perfect, and so are you. You are not a fan of monotony and you can't stand people who just dwell in their comfort zone, waiting for something to happen.

Looking for names similar to Uluiisa? Please go through the following names

  •  Nuilaĸ - Meaning of Nuilaĸ is Opening In Garment for Head used for girls which originated from Greenlandic is used primarily in Greenlandic
  •  Arrútaĸ - Boy name Arrútaĸ is used primarily in Greenlandic, meaning of Arrútaĸ is "Small Pelagic Marine Gastropod Which is Gelatinous or Transparent, or Shaped Like Little Angels, Having Flapping "Wings", Hence Their Name In English: Sea Angels or Real Harp Seal" is originated from Greenlandic
  •  Aqqaluartaa - Predominantly used in Greenlandic, Aqqaluartaa is aimed at boys. Aqqaluartaa is Greenlandic cognate of Arĸaluartâ
  •  Qiipuk is Greenlandic form of Kîpuk
  •  Utuuniaq - Boy name Utuuniaq is used in Greenlandic. Utuuniaq is Greenlandic cognate of Utûniaĸ

Famous people named Uluiisa

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